Hi, I'm Ashton, owner of Smash3DPrints.

Hi, I'm Ashton, owner of Smash3DPrints.

Hi everyone. First off I just want to say thank you for taking your time to read this, I want you to know I do what I do here because I believe everyone should work with what they love and not just a job to get money to survive. I love creating things and I wish for this to become my full time career.

I was born and raised in Utah always playing video games and not really caring about my future but during school I was always asked "so what are you going to college for?" and "whats your plans for the future?". I get it. Those are important but I didn't know and after school I still had no idea what I wanted to do for work, and I for sure wasn't going to college to waste money if I didn't know what I wanted to do. I definitely did not want to work a standard 9-5 job working for someone else, but that is all I could do, until I came upon 3D printing and realized I really, really wanted to do something with it. I want you to know that you can do whatever you want to do too, just take the first step into it (which is the hardest) and take it one step at a time to eventually become something you have always dreamed of doing.

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